3 Powerful Ways To Take Care Of Your Emotional Need For Food

3 Powerful Ways To Take Care Of Your Emotional Need For Food

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Do you tend to eat when you’re stressed and feel like you need something to calm you down?

Emotional eating is not about the weight but about the way you take care of yourself. It’s a form of distraction and escape from uncomfortable feelings.

Many busy, stressed women use food is an escape parachute because it’s an easy go to strategy.

And I bet you wish you had positive energy and focus to accomplish all you want daily- right?

Let’s Talk About Cravings and Mood

Did you know that Your Mood Plays an Important Role in Food Cravings?

It is apparent from many studies aimed to investigate food cravings that your mood plays an important role in food cravings.

Indeed, there may be several mechanisms that account for the relationship between mood and food and they need not be mutually exclusive.

Some reflect the fact that frequently-craved foods such as chocolate are very pleasurable to eat and so inherently rewarding.

The Need For Unhealthy Foods.

Feeling stressed or anxious fuels your need for unhealthy foods. Eating foods that contain carbs and salt or cabs and sugar help to soothe emotions by triggering the release of serotonin, the feel-good hormone , but only temporarily.

For some women, food has become a physical way to stuff down emotional frustrations like anger and deal with intolerable emotions – an escape habit.

And usually leads to guilt, often starting a cycle of food addiction.

Although numbing out with food, what is often referred to as emotional eating is a fairly common problem, most of us don’t realize how strongly our feelings can impact our eating habits.

Food Is Not Addictive

However, food is not addictive. Food cravings are another example of a bias in self-attributions, the ways individuals make sense of their own behaviour.

For events with negative outcomes the cause is more often seen as external or situational (the food) rather than caused by internal psychological features

It is the complexity of the individual that is the key to food cravings not simply a magical property of the food being craved.

Here are 3 Powerful Ways to Take Care of Your Emotional Need for Food so you can feel calm and in control.

1.Prioritise “ME time.”

Carve out some time to make yourself a priority will help you take care of your emotional needs.

Relaxation or time out on a daily basis is very important to one’s mental and physical well-being. Remember to turn off all devices during your time out or your children’s time out!

Go inside to connect with yourself and reflect….

Taking a few minutes each day to connect with yourself and reflect on what’s going on inside of you will help you be more aware of your needs and how to take care of yourself.

You will feel more grounded, calm and in control of you’re eating.

2. Try Journaling to Replace the Need for Food

I used to comfort eat because I didn’t know any other way to manage my emotions and soothe myself. What really helped me out was journaling.

Journaling helps in the following ways:

  • By writing down your feelings, you’re becoming more mindful and aware which is the first step in managing emotional eating
  • Journaling allows you to slow down and press the pause button, instead of reacting on your impulse.

When you learn to manage your emotions, you don’t need to feed them.


Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience-Jon Kabbit Zin

When I started meditating it completely changed my life, I felt confident and empowered. For the very first time in many years, I slept with great relaxation and felt more mindful and grounded and all of this was due to 20 minutes spent each evening meditating.

Meditation for life

If you want to take care of your emotional needs without turning to food then spare just 10-20 minutes from your daily time and make sure you are using them for the meditation.

This will repair your body as well as soul and calm any stress you may be feeling and help you be more mindful with food choices.

Meditation to try..

Doing ten minutes of meditation every day – Research has shown that mindfulness meditation may help to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Guided meditation: this is an exercise where you are invited to “visualize” a beautiful scene, such you’re your favourite beach or a garden in full bloom or a starry night etc. whilst you are guided through a breathing and relaxation process.

And lastly remember to be kind to yourself on your journey.

Now it’s over to you…

  • What would it be like if you stopped thinking about food all day and started living your life?

If you feel ready to change your relationship with food and yourself let’s chat

👉🏻 Just click the “BOOK NOW” button below to book a FREE 30 min Coach session.

Please comment below, I would love to hear your story.❤️❤️

Irena Geller

🍓Food & Mood 😃 Coach

BSc (Biomed), Cert IV (PT), Wellness Coach (Level 3))

I coach busy women to put down their fork and pick up their life.

If you want to eat well consistently and lose weight effortlessly book free 30-minute-coaching session with me and I’ll show you how to add years to your life and live those years to the fullest, looking amazing and feeling confident!






about irena

Irena Geller

Irena Geller is a Sydney-based health & wellness coach specialising in the 🍓food and 😃 mood connection. She loves helping professional women to find the motivation and energy to eat healthily and exercise regularly and be consistent with these habits.

Have you tried every diet you can think of and lost confidence in yourself that you can be successful?

If you’re ready to finally lose weight and feel more confident. Book a good-fit coaching session with me to see if we can work together.

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