Are You A busy woman who wants to learn how to Eat Right For Your Body Type?

3 Steps to Consistent Healthy Eating & Lasting Healthy Life

Here's what I know...

So, here’s what I have learned from my own experience and with my clients – one-plan-fits-all” never works when it comes to eating healthy and feeling good.

In truth, we all come in different packages (body types)  every person’s metabolism, cravings, and eating requirements are unique, there’s no standard approach that works for everyone.

Your body has a natural, specific size and shape.

Accept and nurture it.

Today, we continue to have a media circus around food and eating habits and it’s confusing to try and work out what to do and who to believe.

By eating right for your body type, you nourish your body with the right kind of food for lasting energy, good mood, laser focus and sustainable body shape.

This is what you will learn in my FREE CLASS.

Don't Miss This FREE Class. Register Now.

Register now for my free 60-minute class where I'll share the exact evidence-based steps I’ve used to help busy women create consistent effortless habits they are motivated to continue.


Irena Geller is an Accredited Health & Wellness Coach. 

So, Who Am I?

What I am is your Accountability person

Have you ever wondered why you are a particular body size and shape? We are all uniquely different, You are as unique on the inside as you are on the outside.

Do I really need an accountability person?

Everyone has different challenges and limiting beliefs that may be holding them back from achieving their goals.

It’s pretty hard to navigate this on your own while everything else is going on around you.

I help my clients creates the focus, space and accountability they need to stay on course and make the shifts they need, to get the body and life they want.

Why do I think you really need an accountability person?

I am your Accountability and support person, with skills and qualifications in positive psychology and success coaching, to help you get to the next level and set yourself free.

My mission is to support you on your journey, understanding and guiding you throughout the process to change your habits and change your life.


Let’s face it – you can have the best food in the house and plans and goals, but you will only use them if you have the right attitude.

Our brain tends to run on automatic pilot, and we are not even aware of our thinking.

Picture yourself sitting on the couch after a long day ..what are your first thoughts?


How I Can Help You

This is where your accountability person aka Irena Geller (to be precise …ha-ha) can show you:

The reality is, what you believe causes you to have certain thoughts, and therefore, to act a certain way.

Healthy thoughts are an important habit to develop and it’s not just about affirmations and gratitude journals.

I teach you how to catch your thoughts, question them, and manage them so that you can rewire your habits of thought.

In other words, I show you how to change your thinking habits about food to a more helpful, beneficial thought that are believable.

You Go Gal!

One of my favourite song is “You Are So Beautiful”. I used to hear it in the background and never took notice of it. Then the day I was putting on some new jeans in the change room and looked at myself in the mirror, I felt sexy again. I remember this song coming on. You Go Gal!– I heard myself saying and smiling to myself. One of the most memorable days for me. More days like this still to come, I said to myself. Register for my webinar if you want the same feeling.

Want some company on your journey?

In life, it’s not where you go, It’s who you travel with – Charles Schulz

I have been on the same journey you will be taking with me so I don’t expect to change you overnight. I am not to a miracle worker. I know it’s takes small steps.

I know that before embarking on this journey, you first need to decide if I am the right person
to go on the journey with you.

In order to help you decide, I have created a FREE class that will go through my program and provide some answers you may be seeking & help you make your decision.

Guess what? Its LIVE so you can even ask me questions during the class.

How does that sound?

Register now for my free 60 minute webinar where I’ll share the exact evidence based steps I’ve used to help busy women create consistent effortless habits they are motivated to continue.

Register now for my free class

Register now for my free 60-minute class where I’ll share the exact evidence-based steps I’ve used to help busy women create consistent effortless habits they are motivated to continue.

In this 60-minute class, I will teach you how to:

Are You Ready to get your body on track with the right eating plan to suit your unique body?

Every quarter I choose 15 individuals who are committed to changing their lives, feeling good about themselves and what they eat, feel more self-confident and get the best out of their bodies as they age.  Are You The One?

I want you to let you know in advance, I receive a lot of requests to join my program.
You see, a lot of people want to lose weight and keep it off, but very few are committed to it. Those who are committed are the people who succeed, and these are the people I want to work with, so I have a registration process to find the right people for this program.
This is a personal journey so I want to make sure I am there with YOU.

I’m here to help. It’s your time to take the first steps to powerful change.

But don’t just take my word for it. Here is what others who have taken the journey with me say about my program.

Are You Ready to get your body on track with the right eating plan to suit your unique body?

The “cost” of this class is 100% Obligation FREE Why is it FREE? I want to be totally honest with you. My really big why is that I am sick of seeing so many women floundering and feeling hopeless as they repeatedly try and fail to lose weight. I want to show you what does work.

And help you to get real results the easy way – rather than the hard way.

In fact, my mission for 2021 is to help 10,000 women to finally feel good about themselves and what they eat, make healthy eating their default habit, feel more self-confident and get the best out of their bodies as they age.

Register Now for One of These Dates

Wednesday 24th February@7pm
Thursday 25th February@7pm

I’ll show you how to feel happier, more confident, improve your self-esteem and maintain a healthy weight for GOOD


Where would you like us to send you details of your free 60 minutes "3 Steps to Consistent Healthy Eating Lasting Healthy Life​" class?

24th February 2021


Where would you like us to send you details of your free 60 minutes "3 Steps to Consistent Healthy Eating Lasting Healthy Life​" class?

25th February 2021

Ever Wish you could stop emotional eating?

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